Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Friends' Chocolate Tasting Set for February 9

BISBEE, AZ – Looking for something delightfully, deliciously different to do on
Valentine’s Day Weekend that will also help support a wonderful cause?

If so, the Friends of the Copper Queen Library cordially invite you to attend
their 17th Annual Chocolate Tasting on Saturday, February 9 from 6-9pm at the
Copper Queen Library, 6 Main Street, in Bisbee’s Downtown Historic District.

This fundraiser, their largest volunteer effort of the year, helps the Friends
purchase children’s books for the library and sponsor many educational and
informational programs and presentations for the entire community throughout
the year.

Local dessert makers, both commercial and domestic, will donate a delectable
selection of their own specialty chocolates, which will be showcased and served
on both the second and third floors of the historic building (floors are accessible
by elevator).

The Bisbee Coffee Company will donate locally roasted coffee for the occasion,
and a special Valentine’s punch will also be served. Cool Jazz, a local trio
featuring singer Nancy Weaver, will provide music for listening, dancing, and
visiting with friends and, as an added bonus, raffle tickets will be drawn for
prizes donated through the generosity of Bisbee’s merchants.

For $12 per person, you will receive six tickets to trade for tempting treats
of your choice. Volunteer waiters will offer a delectable selection while you
visit with friends, queue up for beverages, marvel at the library’s architecture
and contents, enjoy the swinging sounds of jazz, and browse the chocolates
at tables on the second and third floors to mix, match, and make your own

For those who are already booked on this very busy weekend or who wish to
indulge privately, our “To Go” boxes, available for pick-up from 4-6pm at the
Friends Bookstore on the first floor, might be the perfect solution.

“To Go” boxes may be reserved in advance by calling the “To Go” Coordinator
at (520) 432-3259 and providing your ticket number(s).

“Taste” tickets are available for advance purchase in Bisbee at the Copper
Queen Library, the Friends Bookstore, the Bisbee Visitors’ Center, and Atalanta’s
Music & Books, and in Sierra Vista at the Safeway store on Fry Boulevard. Tickets
may also be purchased in advance by mail and will be held in reserve at the door.
Although any remaining tickets will be sold at the door starting at 6pm, advance
purchase is suggested, because tickets go fast!

For more information, contact Sondra Hartley at (520) 432-3476 or the Library
Circulation Desk at (520) 432-4232. Come join in and celebrate the Valentine’s
Day weekend, have some delicious fun, and support a wonderful cause! Hope to
see you there!

AG Sends “Fraud Fighters” Van, Life Plan Info

BISBEE, AZ – The first week of February is Consumer Protection Week, and to
highlight information available on this subject, the Copper Queen Library will
host the Arizona Attorney General’s “Fraud Fighters” van across the street
from the library on Wednesday, February 6, from 10am-2pm and welcome
staff from the Attorney General’s Office in the Library Meeting Room at
6:30pm to share information on Life Care Planning.

The “Fraud Fighters” van provides information to consumers in their own

communities on topics such as identity theft, internet safety, how to protect
themselves from scams, how to file a consumer or civil rights complaint, and
how to obtain information about the AG Office’s Civil Rights and Victim
Assistance programs.

At 6:30pm, the AG rep will lock up the van and come upstairs to the Library

Meeting Room to share more useful information, this time on Life Care Planning.
Life Care Planning is important for everyone, whether young or old, healthy or
facing challenges.

Through increased awareness and access to information, Arizonans of all ages

can make their choices known about who will manage their affairs in the event
of an emergency.

Life Care Planning forms and instructions, including Durable Health Care Power

of Attorney, Durable Mental Health Care Power of Attorney, Living Will (End of
Life Care), Letter to My Agent (Representative), and Pre-Hospital Medical
Directive (Do Not Resuscitate) will be available free at the presentation and are
also available for free download from the Attorney General’s website

Attendance at both the “Fraud Fighters” van and the Life Care Planning

presentation are free and open to the public. For further information, contact
the Library Circulation Desk at 432-4232.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Find Health Information Online

BISBEE, AZ-- Finding reliable health information online can be challenging, but Pat Auflick, from the University of Arizona’s Health Science Library, will be at the Copper Queen Library on January 23-24 to present two workshops that will help users navigate the sometimes-treacherous waters of the online health information universe.

The first, January 23 at 6pm in the Library Meeting Room, is comprised of two parts: “Complementary and Alternative Medicine” and “Drug Information Online.”

Part One looks at key internet information resources related to complementary and alternative medicine.

Participants will have an opportunity to learn how to conduct searches on such sites as “MedlinePlus,” “PubMed,” “Allied and Complementary Medicine,” “Alt-HealthWatch,” IBIDS, and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Part Two focuses on several consumer health Web sites that provide good, reliable prescription drug information written at a level that a consumer can read, understand and follow.

Both English and Spanish resources will be covered.

The following morning, January 24 at 10am, Auflick will return to present a workshop on “Obesity and Diet.”

This workshop will discuss the differences between obesity and “being overweight” and will focus on both the health consequences of obesity and the steps individuals can take to combat it.

Current diets such as Atkins and Weight Watchers will also be considered, and a variety of Web sites that provide additional information will be highlighted.

These workshops are part of the “'Feel Great in ’08!' Health Information Series” developed by the Copper Queen Library for presentation throughout the year.

For information, contact the library at 432-4232.