The Blog Is Back!
By Hanje Richards
Stay tuned for lots of great information. Updates will be made regularly to keep you informed on new and existing materials and services offered by the Copper Queen Library to its patrons.
New Fiction and Non-Fiction
We have added lots of new fiction and non-fiction recently, and I will be featuring some of the authors and titles that are on our new title shelves in the days ahead.
Movies, Movies, Movies
We have been adding new movies to our DVD collection like crazy! We don't have a special display space for new DVDs at the library like we do for new fiction and non-fiction (although we're working on it!), but here on the blog I will be highlighting some of the new titles and collections that we have added.
Children's Books
We have three separate sections for young people: Easy Books, Juvenile Books and Young Adult Books. We have added some new shelving in the Juvenile and Young Adult sections and hope this will make it easier for parents and children to find what you are looking for.
You can look forward to descriptions of some of the Juvenile and Young adult series that we have available, as well as some of the stand-alone titles that are new to our shelves this Spring.
Near the computers on the third floor, we now have a "viewing station" which patrons can use for up to two hours at a time to view DVD or VHS movies from the library's collections.
Another new tech addition is Wi-Fi at the library. Just ask at the circulation desk for the password, and you can use your own laptop or smart phone in the library.