A New Way to Download Audiobooks
You probably know that you can download audiobooks from the library through our Online Catalog (just search "downloadable audiobooks" and you'll see a list of 3,450+ titles!), and lots of you have probably already used the service.
We wanted to let you know that you'll see a few changes the next time you download an audiobook, because last week, we received notice that our previous vendor, NetLibrary, had been purchased by EBSCO. This is actually good news -- because we already use other EBSCO services, and their search screens are familiar -- but it does mean a few changes for listeners used to using NetLibrary.
Here's what's changed:
When you find a book you want to download from the Online Catalog and click on its link, you'll be connected to the new EBSCO site, not the old NetLibrary site. The EBSCO site will ask you: 1) to create an account (you can choose any username & password); and, 2) to download the EBSCO Download Manager (DM) in order to check out a book.
If you've been using NetLibrary, you already have their Download Manager installed, but it won't work with the EBSCO platform. Not to worry, though -- it should only take a few minutes to install EBSCO's new DM and start listening to your first EBSCO audiobook.
In a few cases, you might have to update your computer's .Net framework software before you can install the new DM. If so, EBSCO lets you know -- and they even provide a link!
Once the EBSCO Download Manager's in place, you're ready to start downloading and listening to your audiobook -- on your PC, on your Windows Media Player-enabled portable device, or on your iPhone or iPod. By the way, once you're signed into the EBSCO Audiobooks database, you can continue browsing for titles and download up to 10 at a time for three weeks -- FREE! How cool is that?
EBSCO also promises additional apps coming soon for listening to audiobooks on iPads and Android-enabled devices.
For more information, or for help using EBSCO Audiobooks, please call the library at 432-4232.
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