CQL: A Family Place
The Copper Queen Library provides a Family Place for families with children of all
ages to relax in an informal, child-centered setting. Children’s books, parenting
books, audiobooks, movies, puzzles, and toys are available for interaction and
quality time between children and caregivers.
Drop in and check it out Monday-Saturday during our regular hours, or plan to
attend special Family Place Workshops in December on Fridays from 10:30am-
noon. Meet local child and family service providers. Families welcome; crafts
and snacks provided.
CQL also sponsors several other regularly-scheduled children's programs:
- Preschool Story Hour: Tuesdays, 10:30am. Stories, songs, crafts and snacks.
- Bilingual Story Hour: Thursdays, 10:30am. Spanish and English stories, songs, crafts and snacks.
- ’Tweens ‘n’ Teens Only: Fridays, 7-11pm. Movies, games, snacks, relaxation.
- Screaming Babies’ Night: Last Tuesday of the month, 5:30pm. Film and potluck.
For more information, call Miss Lauren at 432-4232.