Monday, March 01, 2010

A Poem: Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! (2010)

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! (2010)

By Rod Richards

There once was a man who wrote stories that rhymed.

The words fit together, the meters were timed.

Some words are made up, but the feelings are true.

They make sense to creatures like me and like you.

He tells of a turtle, a moose, and some Sneetches;

A cat in a hat who makes eloquent speeches.

He tells of an elephant that always stays true,

Whether hatching an egg or hearing a “Who.”

With cool names like Thidwick and Horton and Yertle,

His creatures are noble, his plotlines are fertile.

They help me be a better “me” in a pinch;

To care more for others, to not be a Grinch.

His stories are fun, like a big rollercoaster;

I can’t tell which one I like best (or the most-er).

If I ran the circus, if I ran the zoo,

I’d do it with this man, I’m sure you would too.

For his words are still true, and he’s true to his word.

And his birthday’s March 2nd—aren’t you glad you heard?

So celebrate one and celebrate all.

It’s the good Dr.’s birthday, let’s have a “Seuss” ball!