Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bisbee Library Promotes “Healthy Holidays”

To help encourage stress-free holidays, the Copper Queen Library will sponsor a
“Healthy Holidays” series of talks, films, and workshops throughout December.
Topics include relaxing with herbal teas, remembering the good spirits of
celebration, and receiving information to help simplify “Medicare Part D”

The series kicks off on December 5 at 6pm with “An Evening of Warming Teas”
by Denice Gaddie, a licensed acupuncturist trained at the Florida Institute of
Traditional Chinese Medicine in St. Petersburg, Florida, and a Bisbee resident

since 2004.

The following week, December 12, Laurie O. Lewis, longtime resident, retired

teacher, and consultant in educational law and medicine, presents “Season and
the Spirit,” an overview of different ways to celebrate the holidays and a
reminder of the old proverb, “When you go shopping for wisdom, visit every tent
in the bazaar!” Tastes and treats will enliven the evening’s event, which begins
at 6pm.

A special Saturday workshop by Ed Dayrit, Medicare Arizona’s State Health

Insurance Program Coordinator, will be held December 9 from 10:30am to 1:30pm,
both to provide information on best strategies for purchasing prescription drugs
and to offer individual assistance with “Medicare Part D” enrollment for those
considering a plan change in 2007.

Finally, the library’s “Monday Night ‘Did You Know?’... Documentary Film Series”

will round out “Healthy Holidays” programming by featuring two films focused
on health –- Andrew Weil’s Spontaneous Healing on December 11 and Deepak
Chopra’s Way of the Wizard on December 18. Both films will be screened at
5:30pm in the Meeting Room.

For further information, please contact the library at 432-4232.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Alianza’s Matus at CQL for Human Rights Day

In observance of International Human Rights Day, José R. Matus, Yaqui
ceremonial leader and founder of Alianza Indigena sin Fronteras (Indigenous
Alliance without Borders), will present a free “Indigenous Human Rights”
program on December 6 at 6:30pm at the Copper Queen Library, located at
6 Main Street in Bisbee’s Historic District.

Alianza was formed in 1997 to build a grassroots movement to promote
respect for Indigenous sovereignty and human/civil rights; protect natural
resources in native lands; and preserve Indigenous culture and language
along the border and urban regions.

Yaqui, O'odham, Cocopah, and Kickapoo regularly cross the international
border from California all the way to Texas to visit family members and
attend traditional ceremonies. The Yaqui, O'odham and Cocopah have lived
in the Sonoran Desert since time immemorial.

“The Yaqui have always been a nomadic tribe,” Matus said.

But, while international law guarantees the rights of Indigenous peoples to
maintain their cultural and religious ceremonies across borders and states
that the cutting of cultural ties violates U.S. laws, treaties, and international
laws, increased militarization on the southern border has interfered with
Indigenous rights.

Although Matus has negotiated written border crossing agreements on behalf
of the Pascua Yaqui tribe with the U.S. Consulate, the Department of Homeland
Security, and the State Department to allow Yaqui ceremonial leaders to enter
the country and conduct ceremonies, problems still remain for the 40,000 Yaquis
living in Arizona and in eight villages in Sonora every time they try to cross the
border and attend their ancestral ceremonies.

Matus said Indigenous peoples in Mexico, primarily subsistence farmers with few
means, cannot meet the requirements of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization
Service to cross the border. "Indigenous people in Mexico don’t have electric and
gas bill receipts. They don't have money in the bank," he said.

For further information on this program, plese contact the library at 432-4232.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Library Friends Seek “Altered Book” Art

Bisbee's Friends of the Copper Queen Library have announced sponsorship of
an “Altered Books” art exhibit to run from December 2006-December 2007 in
conjunction with the library’s upcoming Centennial Celebration in Spring 2007.

Altered Book Artists, a national organization popularizing this form of artistic
expression, explains that “altered books” are “any books, old or new, that have
been recycled by creative means into works of art. They can be ... rebound,
painted, cut, burned, folded, added to, collaged in, gold-leafed, rubber stamped,
drilled or otherwise adorned ... And yes! It is legal!”

Altered books are created for many different reasons. Some artists do altered
books as a conversation piece, as a journal, or as a liberating way to express
artistic talents. Others alter books to work through personal issues or to make
political or social statements. Some books are created to a theme; others are
done to accent the original book’s story or illustrations.

To showcase bookart talent, the Friends invite area artists -- and any book
artist interested in supporting CQL -- either to use a book they already own
or to contact the library or the Friends’ bookstore, choose a discarded book,
and create an artwork (suitable for public display) based on the book’s title,
color, form, or other evocative feature(s).

Works will be displayed in the library, where members of the public will have an
opportunity to place silent bids. Artists will retain a portion of the bid amount,
and the Friends group will use the rest to help support library services.

The Friends are set to host the Chamber of Commerce’s monthly membership
mixer on November 30 and plan to open bidding on the first altered books starting
at 5:30pm. Book displays and silent bidding will be featured throughout the year.

Artists and art collectors are invited to contact the library at (520) 432-4232 for
further information.

CQL Site Links to AltPress Resources

The Copper Queen Library enhanced its own online resources today and
expanded its electronic offerings to Bisbee residents by adding a link to
the Alternative Press Center’s Alternative Viewpoints on the Internet site.

APC’s “Viewpoints” site provides an alphabetical listing of links to 425+
alternative online resources, ranging from “Abya Yala Net,” a project of
the South and Meso American Indian Rights Center and NativeWeb, to the
University of Texas’ “Zapatista Net,” a multimedia experiment inspired by
the Zapatistas that pushes the envelope with sound samples, movie clips
and cutting-edge plug-ins.

The Alternative Press Center is a non-profit collective dedicated to providing
access to and increasing public awareness of the alternative press. Founded in
1969, it remains one of the oldest self-sustaining alternative media institutions
in the United States. For more than a quarter of a century, APC has been
recognized as a leader in providing access to the alternative press in the United
States and around the world.

Look for a link to the Library’s website on the home page of the City of Bisbee’s
official website (http://cityofbisbee.com) or connect here.

New YA Titles Join Collection

In a continuing effort to expand programs and collections for Bisbee's teens and young adults, the library recently added over 40 new titles to the YA collection, including these (of course, any interested reader is more than welcome to borrow them!):

Corrigan, Eireann. Splintering
Dessen, Sarah. Just listen
Funke, Cornelia Caroline. Inkspell
Gaiman, Neil. Anansi boys
Ganz, Nicholas. Graffiti world: Street art from five continents
Ganz, Nicholas. Graffiti women
Gueraseva, Stacy. Def Jam, Inc.: Russell Simmons, Rick Rubin, and the extraordinary story of the world's most influential hip-hop label
Hermes, Will. Spin: 20 years of alternative music: Original writing on rock, hip-hop, techno, and beyond
Landon, Dena. The shapeshifter's quest
Martin, Rafe. Birdwing
Morpurgo, Michael. Private Peaceful
Morrison, Grant. WE3
Nix, Garth. Across the wall: Tales of the Abhorsen and other stories
Paolini, Christopher. Eldest
Park, Paul. A princess of Roumania
Pierce, Tamora. Young warriors
Robbins, Trina. From girls to grrrlz: A history of [women's] comics from teens to zines
Rubin, Susan Goldman. Margaret Bourke-White: Her pictures were her life
Sage, Angie. Magyk
Shinn, Sharon. The Truth-Teller's tale
Smith, Jeff. Bone
Spiegler, Louise. The amethyst road
Tatham, Caroline. Fashion design drawing course: Principles, practice, and techniques: The ultimate guide for the aspiring fashion artist
Whitelaw, Paul. Belle and Sebastian: Just a modern rock story
Wooding, Chris. Poison
Yazawa, Ai. Nana (vols. 1-4)
Yolen, Jane. Pay the piper
Zevin, Gabrielle. Elsewhere

Monday, November 13, 2006

"Trudell" Added to Monday Schedule

Throughout November, The Copper Queen Library offers programming to
celebrate Native American Heritage Month. On November 13, The Monday
Night "Did You Know" Documentary Film Series line-up will be enhanced
by the addition of a new Heather Rae documentary, Trudell, to the schedule.

In 1979, while protesting the US government's policy regarding Native Americans,
John Trudell burned an American flag on the steps of FBI headquarters in
Washington, DC. Within a matter of hours, his pregnant wife, three children,
and mother-in-law were killed in a suspicious fire on a Nevada reservation.

This ended his role in the movement, but did not silence his voice. Hear his
story at 5:30pm in the Copper Queen Library Meeting Room.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Bisbee Library to Celebrate Centennial!

...and Friends Group plans paint project!

In Spring 2007, the Copper Queen Library, one of Bisbee’s most
cultural treasures, will celebrate her hundredth birthday at the 6 Main Street
location in Downtown’s Historic District, and do we have a party planned!

Arizona’s oldest continuously-operating public library, the Copper
Queen was
actually established in 1882 on the east end of the Copper Queen Mercantile
Store but by 1885 had her own building –- a wood-framed two-story which
housed both the library and post office on the first floor and a meeting room

In 1892, a brick building with architecture similar to that of Bisbee’s Mining &
Historical Museum was built to serve as the library. In May 1906, however,
everything was removed from that structure and it was demolished to make way
for our current Queen, who opened her doors –- after nearly a year of very hard
work –- in Spring 1907.

According to every account, the new building was beautiful –- not only new books,

but new furniture, new floors, new fixtures, and a fresh new coat of paint showed
how fondly the citizens of Bisbee regarded their brand new Queen.

Today’s Queen still showcases some of that royal finery. Original furniture and

fixtures, lovingly crafted woodwork and cabinetry –- and some of the original
books as well, both those bought new in 1907 and those from the original 1882
collection -– can still be seen today, as locals and visitors pay their respects.

As Friends Board Member-at-Large Tom Ryan began considering ways to celebrate
the Queen’s birthday, it occurred to him that, while some of her interior furni-

ture, fixtures, cabinetry, and collections were still in place, her exterior hadn’t
fared quite as well.

Over time, her finery has faded, and the face she now presents to the world lacks

its former luster. Fortunately, a fresh face is as close as the idea, the energy,
and a few hundred buckets of paint!

So, Tom and the Friends are starting now to raise the $25,000 necessary to

restore the exterior –- to prepare, prime, and paint to match the original look
as closely as possible -– during CQL’s birthday year.

What better way to celebrate her Centennial and to reflect your respect and

regard? Join in today!

Send your (tax-deductible!) Restoration Donation to:
The Friends’ Fresh Face Fund, PO Box 1857, Bisbee, AZ 85603

Local Author Nominated for Statewide Read

"It is July 20, 1989, early afternoon, monsoon season in the Sonoran Desert,
and I am going back to Bisbee..."

So begins local author Richard Shelton's Going Back to Bisbee (University of
Arizona Press), a powerful and evocative memoir of his journeys of discovery
to, from, and back to Bisbee, Arizona, and winner of the 1992 Western States
Book Award for Creative Nonfiction. The Arizona State Library has recognized
Shelton's work by nominating it as a candidate for the 2007 ONEBOOKAZ
statewide adult read.

Throughout November, Arizonans will be able to vote for the ONEBOOK title they'd
like to read and discuss in 2007, and the Copper Queen Library encourages all
Bisbee and Cochise County resident-readers to go online (www.onebookaz.org)
and let the State Library know that Shelton's book should be the title chosen as
a "must-read” for every adult in Arizona.

While encouraging broad appreciation of Arizona's remarkable history, heritage,

and culture, Going Back to Bisbee also explores the unique experiences of one
young man as he makes a life for himself teaching and writing in the post-war
American Southwest.

So compelling is his tale that the Copper Queen Library has already made plans

to feature it in April 2007 as part of a "Centennial Celebration Book Discussion
Series" highlighting Bisbee’s history and commemorating the library's hundredth
anniversary at its 6 Main Street location in Bisbee's Downtown Historic District.

For more information on the series or on voting to make Going Back to Bisbee

Arizona's ONEBOOK non-fiction title for 2007, contact the library at 432-4232.

Movie Gallery Co-Sponsors Teen Films

The Copper Queen Library, 6 Main Street, and the Movie Gallery,
850 W. Hwy 92, announced today that they have partnered to screen
new films on Friday nights at CQL from 7 – 11pm as part of the
library’s “Teens ‘n’ Tweens Only!” programming.

Every Friday night for the past several months, the library has screened
two films, one for ‘tweens (ages 10-14) at 7pm and one for teens (ages
15-18) at 9pm. Now, as event co-sponsor, Movie Gallery manager Cory
Perrone will donate use of the Gallery’s “new DVD release of the week”
for the 9pm show.

Said Perrone, “We’re really excited to be partnering with the library to
provide Bisbee’s young people with a venue for films.”

As part of “TNT Only!” the library will also open the Young Adult room for
internet use, for group or individual study, for poetry or rap slams, or for
just hanging out and visiting with friends. Free snacks and sodas will be
provided by The Friends of the Copper Queen Library.

For more information, contact the library at 432-4232.

New Library Website Released

The Copper Queen Library has released its redesigned website,
available to the public by clicking on a photo of the library which
appears on the home page of the City of Bisbee’s official website

The new library website features information about the library’s
hours, locations, collections, services, and programs, offers
interactive “Events” and “What’s New?” sites, and links to the
countywide online catalog, to “virtual reference” sites, and to free
databases provided to Arizona residents through a partnership with
the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records, the Maricopa
County Library District, and Tucson/Pima Public Library.

Links to other databases will be added as CQL completes negotiations
with various electronic vendors.

The library design team is very interested in feedback regarding both
the CQL site’s form and content and encourages users to email opinions
by using the “Contact Us” link, by calling the library at 432-4232, by
dropping comments in the Suggestion Box located near the front entrance,
by using the "Comment" feature on this entry, or by talking to Library
Director Peg White.

San Carlos Scholar Miles Speaks on Apache Culture

Native American Heritage Month is observed at the Copper Queen
Library during November as part of an ongoing emphasis on multi-
cultural awareness and diversity and, in conjunction with this
programming focus, the library will host Arizona Humanities Council
scholar Dale Curtis Miles from the San Carlos Apache reservation on
November 8 at 6:30pm for an exploration of his “Apache Culture Kit.”

Using a trunk of Apache artifacts – a collection of items created in San
Carlos and other areas of Apache country, including moccasins, baskets,
cradleboards, beadwork, and clothing - Miles will present traditional
Apache culture. The experience is hands-on, leading to an understanding
of an often-misrepresented people.

Miles was born on the San Carlos Apache reservation and was the first
tribal historian. He has devoted his life to learning the history and culture
of the Apache peoples and has worked with the Arizona Historical Society,
the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian, and with tribal elders to

gain a traditional view of tribal lifeways and stories.

For more information, contact the library at 432-4232.

Archaeologist Allen Dart Lectures November 2

On November 2, the second day of the “Dias de Los Muertos” Mexican
celebration, Arizona Humanities Council scholar Allen Dart will provide a
bridge from Hispanic Heritage to Native American Heritage programming
at the Copper Queen Library when he asks: “What Do We Do With Our
Ancestors?” The presentation, sponsored by the Arizona Humanities Council,
the Friends of the Copper Queen Library, and the City of Bisbee, will begin
at 7 pm in the CQL Meeting Room and is free and open to the public.

A Registered Professional Archaeologist, Dart founded Tucson’s nonprofit

Old Pueblo Archaeology Center in 1993 to provide educational and scientific
programs in archaeology and culture. He has been a volunteer member of
several nonprofit archaeology and history organizations’ boards and committees
and has received the Governor’s Award in Public Archaeology from the Arizona
Archaeology Advisory Commission.

At his November 2 lecture, Dart will discuss the differing views held by

archaeologists and others about the handling of archeological remains. Ever
since archaeology became an active intellectual pursuit, many archaeologists
have held a view that all materials left behind by ancient peoples – including
human remains as well as artifacts and architectural features – are proper
subjects for scientific study, and that these materials should all be preserved
in museums to keep them accessible for study in the future.

However, many people, including many Native Americans, believe that human

remains and grave objects should not be subjected to any kind of destructive
scientific studies – if they are studied at all – and that when they are disturbed,
they should be respectfully reburied.

Drawing on his own education and experience as a professional archaeologist,

and on his years of working closely with Native Americans in the Southwest, Dart
will explore some of the reasoning behind the disparate viewpoints on treating
ancestral remains and will also give audience members the opportunity to discuss
what should be done when human remains and grave objects come to light in
archaeological excavations.

For further information, contact the library at 432-4232.

November: Native American Heritage Month

This Fall, the Copper Queen Library presents a free series of book
discussions, films, and lectures to celebrate Native American Heritage
Month. The Arizona Humanities Council, the Friends of the Copper
Queen Library and the City of Bisbee are program co-sponsors.

Arizona Humanities Council scholars will lead book discussions and
speak on topics related to Native American heritage, and Monday
night’s “Did You Know? ...” documentary films will also feature films
to complement this series.

The first three programs offer one book discussion and two presentations
by Arizona Humanities Council scholars. On November 1 at 6:30 pm, AHC
Scholar Chris Dietz facilitates discussion of Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions
by authors John Fire Lame Deer and Richard Erdoes.

Then, on November 2, AHC Scholar Allen Dart’s special lecture at 7 pm asks
“What Do We Do With Our Ancestors?” His question will be partially answered
on November 8 at 6:30 pm by San Carlos AHC Scholar Dale Curtis Miles’
presentation, “Apache Culture Kit.”

Two Monday Night “Did You Know? ...” documentary films will round out
programming. On November 6, the featured film is Geronimo and the Apache
Resistance, followed on November 13 by The Pueblo. Both films will be screened
in the Meeting Room at 5:30 pm.

Area residents interested in participating in book discussions may obtain copies
of featured books by visiting the front desk at the Copper Queen Library at any
time preceding discussion dates. A library card is encouraged, but not necessary,
to borrow featured titles and participate in discussions. Residents interested in
viewing films or lectures need only arrive at the scheduled time. Admission to
all events is free.

For further information, contact the library at 432-4232.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Workshop: Assessing the Value of Books

So many books so little time. Which ones have value?

Books have properties that will allow you to pick out "the good ones" from the
rest. Is it 100% fool proof? No. Will you improve your odds of finding the valuable
books among all you handle? Yes. Can you determine which books have value
without looking everything up on the Internet? Yes!

Participants will be able to:
  1. Know where to begin to determine if they have a first edition
  2. Identify at least 10 factors that can make a book valuable
  3. Identify 3 physical properties of a book that point to value
  4. Identify THE one factor that reduces value
  5. Begin the internet research process
This is a valuable workshop for library volunteers, library Friends groups that
have book sales, and library staff members. The workshop will be presented at
the Copper Queen Library on Tuesday, November 7, from 5-8pm by Mary Billings,
Tucson Friends Manager, in cooperation with the Arizona State Library, Archives
and Public Records.

All participants will receive a copy of McBride’s Book Collecting for Fun and Profit.

Sound interesting? If you'd like to learn more, sign up for this workshop at
http://www.lib.az.us/eventreg. Seating's limited to the first 20 registrants, so
be sure to sign up early!!

CQL Hallowe'en Read: Be *VERY* Afraid...!

Local Bisbee actor Damion will present a special scary reading of two
Edgar Allen Poe short stories, “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Masque
of the Red Death,” at the Copper Queen Library on Hallowe’en night
starting at 7pm.

The library, soon to celebrate its 100th year at the Historic Main Street
location, will highlight the readings with special effects to enhance the
terror and suspense of Poe’s work.

The event is free and open to the public. Why not stop by and bring the
whole family for a truly unique Hallowe’en fright?

For more information, contact the library at 432-4232.